15,00 €
Ancient knowledge written by Drunvalo Melchizedek, translated from the English original into Croatian.
The sacred pattern of the Flower of Life, the original geometric generator of all physical form, is explored even more deeply in this second installment of the famous Flower of Life workshop. The proportions of the human body, the nuances of human consciousness, the sizes and distances of the stars, planets and moons, even the creations of mankind are shown as a reflection of this wonderful, divine image.
Through a complex and detailed geometric representation, Drunvalo Melchizedek shows us how the seemingly simple appearance of the Flower of Life contains within itself the origin of our entire, three-dimensional existence. From the pyramids and mysteries of Egypt to the new race of Indigo Children, Drunvalo shows us the sacred geometries of our Reality and the subtle energies that shape our world. It guides us through a divinely inspired labyrinth of science and story, logic and chance, on a journey of remembering where we came from and the world of wonder and magic in which we live.
Drunvalo gives instructions for the Mer-Ka-Ba meditation for the first time; step-by-step methods for recreating the energy field of an evolved human, which is the key to ascension and entry into a higher dimensional world. When practiced with love, this ancient process of inhaling prana opens us to a world of countless possibilities in this dimension, from psychic and spiritual protection to our own healing, healing others, or healing the planet.
You may discover a memory or reflection of yourself in the following topics:
Embrace the expanded vision and understanding that Drunvalo offers to the world. Coincidences, miracles, and fantastic mystery-uncovering stories emerge from the exploration of the ancient mystery of the Flower of Life.
Sveti uzorak Cvijeta Života, originalni geometrijski generator cjelokupnog fizičkog oblika, istražuje se još dublje u ovom, drugom dijelu poznate radionice Cvijeta života. Proporcije ljudskog tijela, nijanse ljudske svijesti, veličine i udaljenosti zvijezda, planeta i mjeseca, čak i stvaranje čovječanstva, prikazani su kao odraz ove prekrasne, božanske slike.
Kroz komplicirani i detaljni geometrijski prikaz, Drunvalo Melchizedek nam pokazuje kako naizgled jednostavan izgled Cvijeta života sadrži u sebi podrijetlo našeg čitavog, trodimenzionalnog postojanja. Od piramida i misterija Egipta do nove rase Indigo djece, Drunvalo nam prikazuje svete geometrije naše Realnosti i suptilne energije koje oblikuju naš svijet. On nas vodi kroz božanski inspiriran labirint znanosti i priča, logike i slučajnosti, na put prisjećanja odakle dolazimo i svijet čuda i magije u kojem živimo.
Po prvi puta, Drunvalo daje instrukcije za Mer-Ka-Ba meditaciju; korak-po-korak metode za ponovno stvaranje energetskog polja evoluiranog ljudskog bića, koje je ključ za uzašašće i za ulazak u svijet više dimenzije. Ako se on učini sa ljubavlju, ovaj drevni proces udisanja prane otvara nas za svijet nebrojenih mogućnosti u ovoj dimenziji, od psihičke i duhovne zaštite do vlastitog iscjeljenja, iscjeljenja drugih ili iscjeljenja planeta.
Možda ćete otkriti neku uspomenu ili odraz sebe u sljedećim temama:
Prihvatite proširenu viziju i razumijevanje koje Drunvalo nudi svijetu. Slučajnosti, čuda i fantastične priče razotkrivanja misterija proizlaze iz istraživanja drevne tajne Cvijeta života.
Language: Croatian
No. pages: 250
Dimensions: 21.5×25.5 cm
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Translation: Igor Lah
Release year: 2016
ISBN: 978-953-7907-31-0
Weight | 0,600 kg |