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Ancient knowledge written by Drunvalo Melchizedek, translated from the English original into Croatian.
Everything is ready for a great transformation of human consciousness. Part travelogue, part spiritual advice, Drunval Melchizedek’s new book is a first-hand account of the once-in-13,000-year process of Mother Earth’s Kundalini energy emerging from the planet’s core and winding its way to its new home.
“Drunvalo is a great storyteller. When he follows the synchronicities and communicates with the great guardians of the holy places, you are there, with him. The Serpent of Light is a wonderful description of the great activations of the Earth that are happening right now.”
Barbara Hand Clow, author of The Mayan Code
Once the energy was in ancient Lemuria, then it moved to Atlantis, then to the Himalayas. With each movement, the earth’s Kundalini changed our idea of what spirituality means. And gender. And the heart. This time, the Serpent of Light settled in the Andes mountain massif with great difficulty.
“As we move through very strange times in an uncertain world, the Serpent of Light helps us on the path to self-knowledge and eases that transition.”
dr. Meg Blackburn Losey, author of Children of Today
In this book, Drunvalo tells us about his thirty-five years of work in the service of Mother Earth. Travel the world with him as he follows his instructions and his inner growing knowledge. His story is a living set of rituals that help heal hearts, harmonize energies, correct ancient imbalances—in short, increase our awareness of the indivisibility of life in the universe.
“This book is the truth—the truth about how the web of collective consciousness repaired itself through an incredible series of events. The earth’s kundalini was able to complete its journey to its new home. This means that everything is ready for the “change of age”, a great transformation in human consciousness. This book is a gift from the universe. Let it act as a trigger for you to awaken memories that are deep within you, to remember who you are and why you are here. Let the adventure begin!”
Bob Frissell, moderator of Flowers of Life, author of “Nothing in This Book Is True, But It’s Exactly How Things Are”
Sve je spremno za veliku transformaciju ljudske svijesti. Nova knjiga Drunvala Melchizedeka, koja je djelomično putopis, a djelomično prepuna duhovnih savjeta, izvještaj je iz prve ruke o procesu koji se događa jednom u 13 000 godina, kada Kundalini energija Majke Zemlje izlazi iz jezgre planeta i kreće se poput zmije do svog novog doma.
„Drunvalo je odličan pripovjedač. Dok on prati sinkronicitete i komunicira sa velikim čuvarima svetih mjesta, vi ste tamo, sa njim. Svjetlosna Zmija je čudesan opis velikih Zemljinih aktivacija koje se trenutno događaju.“
Barbara Hand Clow, autorica knjige ”Majanski kod”
Jednom je bila smještena u drevnoj Lemuriji, zatim se preselila u Atlantidu, a zatim u Himalaje. Sa svakim premještanjem, Zemljina Kundalini je mijenjala našu ideju o tome što znači duhovnost. I spol. I srce. Ovaj puta, uz mnogo poteškoća, Svjetlosna Zmija se smjestila u planinski masiv Ande.
„Dok se krećemo u vrlo čudnim vremenima unutar nesigurnog svijeta, Svjetlosna Zmija nam dolazi kao pomoć na putu do samoostvarenja i olakšava nam taj prijelaz.“
Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey, autorica knjige ”Djeca sadašnjice”
U ovoj knjizi, Drunvalo nam pripovijeda o svom tridesetpetogodišnjem radu u službi Majke Zemlje. Putujte sa njim oko svijeta dok on prati svoje vodstvo i svoje unutarnje rastuće znanje. Njegova priča je živi niz ceremonija koje pomažu iscijeliti srca, harmonizirati energije, ispraviti drevne neravnoteže – ukratko, povećati našu svjesnost o nedjeljivosti života u svemiru.
„Ova knjiga je istina – istina o tome kako je, kroz nevjerojatan niz događaja, ispravljena mreža kolektivne svijesti. Zemljina Kundalini je uspjela završiti svoje putovanje do svog novog doma. To znači da je sve spremno za ””promjenu doba,”” veliku transformaciju u ljudskoj svijesti. Ova knjiga je dar od Svemira. Neka vam služi kao okidač kako bi probudila sjećanja koja su duboko unutar vas, tako da se možete sjetiti tko ste i zašto ste ovdje. Neka avantura započne!“
Bob Frissell, moderator Cvijeta Života autor knjige ”Nothing in This Book Is True, But It””s Exactly How Things Are”.
Language: Croatian
No. pages: 276
Dimensions: 16×24 cm
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Translation: Marko Šilobod
Release year: 2016
ISBN: 978-953-7907-37-2
Weight | 0,300 kg |